
No belt; no watch; no jewelry on hands, wrist or neck; no eyeglasses; nails cut short; boxing shoes with rubber anti-slipping soles; a towel on the neutral corner post

Must be well groomed

Key Elements.
Extreme concern for the safety of the boxer.
Strict enforcement of the contest rules.
Move smoothly and efficiently in the ring.
100% concentration.
Use only basic boxing language. Don’t use other words.
Use basic signals.

Basic Language

Not one language is understood or heard by all boxers:

  • Box:  Command boxers to box.
  • Break:  Command boxers to break their clinch.
  • Stop:  Order to immediately and absolutely stop action.
  • Time  out:  Referee stops action and time watch

Basic Signals.

The use of signals for initiating and finishing rounds, terminating fights, to timekeepers and doctors; fouls.

Instruction to Boxers Prior to Bouts

Specific instructions must be given to boxers based on basic language and basic signals, as well as warnings specifically on: a) no head butts; b) no rabbit punches; c) no kidney punches; d) not hitting below the belt, as well as when they finish during rest periods. STOP FIGHT when the doctor advises to.

During Action.

Stay away, circling around when boxers are not close to the ropes.

Stay close when they are boxing at the ropes.

Stay very close when the action is in the corners.

Use only basic language and signals.

Do not talk to boxers.

Do not crowd them; Let them fight.

Wait until the cessation of the action that created the loss of a mouthpiece to stop the action to replace it.

A head butt, intentional or non-intentional should be called immediately; in case of an intentional head butt there is a mandatory deduction of two points.

Knock Downs.

Don’t rush; order or direct the standing boxer to the furthest neutral  corner, take the count from the timekeeper and count out loud showing the count with your fingers to the downed boxer.

If he gets up give him the mandatory 8 count and ask him questions that make him think or use signals to make him walk forward, etc.

Do not hesitate to stop the fight if you have doubts; it’s better to stop a fight one punch before than one punch after.

Hold the boxer and take him to his seconds.

If he goes down with a concussion, don’t hesitate to remove his mouthpiece at once and turn him partially on his left side.

You are the boss, show your authority and, remember, the health and the life of the boxer might be in your hands; safety has no compromise.


  • A . 70%: Effective aggressiveness is the most important factor for winning a round. The scoring of clean punches with power, number and accuracy, whether moving forward, backwards, boxing sideways against the ropes or counter punching.
  • B.  20%: Ring Generalship: If an advantage is not found in “A”, whoever dominates the round with boxing skills to control the action and does not allow his rival to perform.
  • C.  10%: Pure aggressiveness. If in doubt at the end of the round, it must be scored in favor of the aggressor, the one who goes decidedly after his rival, who forces the action to win the round, against a boxer who only runs away and does not stop to fight.


Based on absolute concentration, put your mental count to work at even, or 10-10, at the sound of the bell to start a round; have your mind compute instantaneously the actions defining a slight or clear advantage for one of the fighters, while mentally modifying or adjusting instantaneously the count of such advantage according to the scoring of punches, during the whole 3 minutes. If one of the boxers had total domination and hurt his rival during the action in the round, such advantage shall be considered to be total or absolute. If you could not find a winner and you have no domination for either boxer, it shall be definitely even.


  • 10-10   Couldn’t pick a winner.
  • 10-9 Slight or close advantage.
  • 10-9 Clear or definite advantage.
  • 10-9 When both boxers are knocked down, but one of them wins clearly the actions in the round.
  • 10-8 Advantage and one knock down.
  • 10-8 Total domination or a beating by one of the boxers during the duration of the round, even when there is no knock down.
  • 10-7     Advantage and two knock downs.
  • 10-6 Advantage and more than two knock downs, but  never lower.

The "10-point must system", so named because a judge "must" award ten points to at least one fighter each round (before deductions for fouls etc).

Most rounds are scored 10-9, with 10 points for the fighter who won the round, and 9 points for the fighter the judge believes lost the round.

If a round is judged to be even, it is scored 10-10. For each knockdown in a round, the judge deducts an additional point from the fighter knocked down, resulting in a 10-8 score if there is one knockdown or a 10-7 score if there are two knockdowns.

If the referee instructs the judges to deduct a point for a foul, this deduction is applied after the preliminary computation. So, if a fighter wins a round, but is penalized for a foul, the score changes from 10-9 to 9-9. If that same fighter scored a knockdown in the round, the score would change from 10-8 in his favor to 9-8.


Appendix – April 2016 - Rabbit Punches

Special Attention needs to be taken with regard to Rabbit Punches and it should be noted that the British & Irish Boxing Authority has a zero tolerance policy and any boxer caught DELIBERATELY making blows to the back of the head should be reprimanded for the first incident, a point deducted for the second incident and if continues to deliberately throw punches to the back of the opponents head should be disqualified